
Methods - Channel, Location, Mode, Format – Face-to-face, Online, Telephone, Discussion, Interview, Observation, Ethnographic, Benchmarking, Mapping, Brainstorming, Workshop, Survey, Usability, Mystery shopping, Desk, Qualitative, Quantative, In home, At work, In-store, Chosen venue, 121 depth, Buying pair, Family group, Mini group, Focus group, Co-creation group, Questionnaire, Diary, Blogging, Community

The best research end results, come from bringing all of the right ingredients together, at the right time in the right place. We’re happy to deploy traditional qualitative or quantitative techniques if they deliver the best fit with the brief. We’ll draw upon more exotic and spicy methodologies like ethnography or co-creation if the occasion calls for them. We don’t pre-judge things or force fit a project into any house style. We’ll carefully consider the right channel, mode, format and location for each individual project, before popping it in the oven until golden brown.