
Research that starts with – why?

Many traditional research techniques and methodologies are losing some of their efficacy. Fresh approaches are needed to get closer to understanding how people really feel and what they really think. Understanding motivations and emotional drivers is often what’s missing. Behavioural data – the digital vapour trail - and many conventional research methodologies don’t provide real insight on this. ‘Why’ itself, is the big unanswered question and like many children across the land - it’s where we start from.

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from Insight2Impact

Habit5 has the ability and expertise to consult all around the research that we conduct. You may have spotted a gap in your understanding, a blind spot with your customers. But you may not know how research could help or which methodologies might achieve the best insights. You may have run some research that has findings that suggest some unplanned and unbudgeted actions. Habit5 researchers are skilled in helping clients move from Insight2Impact (i2i), even helping to write the business case for change!

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Specialities Customers of every kind

All things Customer Experience deeply interests us and Habit5 has deep knowledge of service industries of all shapes and sizes. Habit5 runs market research with customers, prospects, employees, investors, business decision makers and influencers. We have approaches that are designed to get the best from participants of all ages, genders, ethnicity and lifestyle. Thankfully humans have a deep seated desire to be understood, it is a key part of the social construction of the self, which helps.

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